Keeping the number of blackflies down

Graph of blackfly numbers on sticky traps 2012 13

The Yaounde initiative has been continuing to treat parts of the Sanaga River between Edea and Monatele to keep the numbers of blackflies as low as … [Read more...]

Could odours be the solution to blackfly control?


The Yaounde Initiative Foundation has been carrying out field research in Cameroon in collaboration with the UK-based Natural Resources Institute … [Read more...]

YIF Directors meet Cameroon Deputy High Commissioner


The Cameroon Deputy High Commissioner, Mr Denis Nyuydzewira, joined YIF Directors, Terry Wiles, Graham Matthews and Hans Dobson for a lunchtime … [Read more...]

Animated Guide to Indoor Residual Spraying

CD casing for IRS video manual

WHO published a short booklet on how to spray the inside of houses for mosquito control. An animated version of this booklet has been produced as a … [Read more...]

Update on blackfly control on the the Sanaga River

Blackfly breeding rapids

Many of the people who lived near the Sanaga River have moved out of the area due to the severity of the biting by blackflies (Simulium spp.). Those … [Read more...]

New book on Integrated Vector Management in press

GM book cover

The most recent book by Professor Graham Matthews - YIF Technical Director - is entitled 'Integrated Vector Management' and is due to be published by … [Read more...]