The Cameroon Deputy High Commissioner, Mr Denis Nyuydzewira, joined YIF Directors, Terry Wiles, Graham Matthews and Hans Dobson for a lunchtime meeting at the Farmer’s Club in Whitehall Court on Wednesday 9 November 2011. We have always enjoyed good relations with the High Commission staff, but this was the first opportunity to talk in detail about technical and development issues in Cameroon. Mr Nyuydzewira was briefed on the Libamba development project, blackfly control work, and malaria mosquito management. He expressed interest in finding ways to develop coffee and livestock production in Cameroon. We agreed to keep him informed on YIF activities, and to try to schedule visits to Cameroon for the next time he returns home on leave. The mutual agreement was that we should seek ways to build on the productive Cameroonian/British collaboration over the past 8 years in order to expand the developmental impact even further in Cameroon and beyond.
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